Dear Nicole Noffsinger:
No, your request is denied. We told you how to cancel your contract. What you are saying is simply, plainly, false, and we will expect your prompt apology.
>>I have contacted the London Book Fair and no where is Publish
>>America listed as an exhibitor-same with the Paris Book fair
No, you did not. That is simply false. Yes, we are listed as exhibitors in London. We did not say that we were exhibitors in Paris.
>>I have emails from authors that have been mentioned as well as
>>Dolly Parton's HQ and no one was heard of PA nor have they any
>>plans to represent any author or endorse books.
No, you do not. But, we never made such a claim. Your email is nonsense. If you do not want to pay the cancellation fee, your contract remains in place, as we prefer anyway.
Thank you and have a good day,
PublishAmerica Support
Follow us on Twitter at @PubAmericaNews!
From: Nikki Noffsinger
Subject: RE: Nicole Noffsinger: contract term request
Date: Tue, 29 Mar 2011 00:14:38 +0000
Dear Support
I still want the publisher to consider cancelling my contract. I have contacted the London Book Fair and no where is Publish America listed as an exhibitor-same with the Paris Book fair. I have emails from authors that have been mentioned as well as Dolly Parton's HQ and no one was heard of PA nor have they any plans to represent any author or endorse books. I cannot afford to buy my own books in bulk and with the current price points-I can't even afford to buy a few here and there. I cannot get book stores to carry it. Barnes and Nobles and Borders both have said they cannot and will not carry my book but they will order it for customers that ask for it which is no different then someone ordering from Amazon or the PA website. That isn't feasible for me, an author who is trying to pitch my book if I can't get book stores to carry it. I have 4 sites to promote the book, but everyone still says the same thing: Sorry sound like a great read but we can't afford the price-let us know when that changes. So I am pleading with PA to please cancel the contract. I can't do anything the book and Publish America isn't willing to price it at an affordable price.
Nicole Noffsinger
Date: Mon, 28 Mar 2011 09:03:40 -0400
Subject: Nicole Noffsinger: contract term request
Dear Nicole Noffsinger:
We have received your request to terminate your book's contract. As a general rule, publishers are not in favor of that. When a publisher agrees to contract a book, it is done with an expectation of entering into a profitable venture. PublishAmerica never charges any of its authors any money in return for producing and publishing their book and making it available to a worldwide audience. This is why we enter into contracts with a seven-year lifetime, which affords the book ample opportunity to turn a profit.
If your request was granted, PublishAmerica would be denied, prematurely, any hope of recovering its expenses. This is why we would prefer to keep the contract in place until its expiration date.
Therefore, if you were to persist on wishing to relinquish your status as a published author, we can only grant your request if you agree to a $299 compensation payment, which will help to offset some of our losses. If you want to proceed with termination, please go to: Be sure to enter your book's title in the "order comments" field. If not, we will both understand and applaud your decision. As said, we prefer to keep the book under contract.
Thank you and have a good day,
PublishAmerica Support
Follow us on Twitter at @PubAmericaNews!
From: Nikki Noffsinger
To: Loretta Publish America
brandon publish
america marketing
Subject: Renegade Night by Nikki Noffsinger
Date: Fri, 25 Mar 2011 09:21:52 +0000
To Whom it May Concern:
Almost a year ago, I signed a contract with Publish America to publish my book, Renegade Night. I would like to opt out of my contract with Publish America. The reasons being that my book is not selling and that has a lot to do with the fact I cannot get book stores to carry the book and I cannot purchase my own book. I understand the lengths that Publish America has went in publishing it. I am appreciative of that, but it is simply not selling and perhaps it is just a failed story that does not hold up in the genre or focus group of those it was hoped to market towards. I do not seek to self publish the book or to have it on e-format. Perhaps I need to go back to the drawing board with the whole entire thing or discontinue it entirely. It is a waste of both our time to try and keep a book that is not thriving. I have done alot of word of mouth and have tried to contact 15 major book stores across my own state as well as many local smaller stores and they are unable to stock the book. Even on the website and, the book has sold less than 10 copies. You may keep any royalities the book has generated at this point, which is not much. With the 8 known copies that the book has sold, it has made Publish America almost $240.00 and to a company of your size, that is not much. Please do not take this as a failure on your part-it is a failure on mine. I ask that I be let out of my contract and hopefully I can submit something better-something that can make both Publish America and myself happy financially.
Thank You
Nicole Noffsinger